Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

New Verizon Ad Directly Attacks AT&T Coverage, Claims 5 Times Better 3G Coverage

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 03:44 PM PDT

Verizon Wireless launched a new ad campaign yesterday during the big Monday Night Football game which directly attacks the "spotty 3G coverage" of AT&T. With a catchline, 'There's a map for that', the ad also takes a potshot at the now famous 'There's an app for that' iPhone ad. The...

AT&T Allows VoIP iPhone Apps to Work Over 3G Network

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 03:22 PM PDT

As you might know, until now AT&T had restricted iPhone apps like Skype, Vonage (which was released yesterday) to work only over Wi-Fi and not over the 3G mobile network as they had concerns that such apps could cause significant network congestion. That's History! AT&T has just announced that they...

Geohot Planning to Release Tool to Jailbreak Any iPhone and iPod Touch Running Any Version of iPhone OS?

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 12:35 PM PDT

George Hotz (aka Geohot) who was the first to release a software called Purplera1n to jailbreak iPhone 3GS is at it again. He has dropped a hint that he plans to release a tool that will allow users to jailbreak any iPhone and iPod Touch running any version of iPhone...

Rogers' Monopoly Comes to an End - Bell and Telus To Sell iPhones in Canada

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 10:21 AM PDT

After the network monopoly for iPhones came to an end in UK , it is now the turn for Canada to be in the limelight. After serving as the sole network carrier for the iPhones in Canada for over a year, Rogers Communications, the largest Communications company in the country...

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