Sunday, July 4, 2010

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

How To Jailbreak iOS 4 For iPhone 3GS (New Bootrom) Users With SHSH Blobs (Mac)

Posted: 04 Jul 2010 04:03 AM PDT

iH8sn0w, developer of popular jailbreaking tools such as Sn0wbreeze has just published a detailed guide on how to jailbreak iOS 4 for iPhone 3GS with new bootrom for Mac users. Windows users can checkout this guide to jailbreak iOS 4 for iPhone 3GS (new bootrom) with SHSH blobs (ECID files)....

How To Jailbreak iOS 4 For iPhone 3GS (New Bootrom) Users With SHSH Blobs (Windows)

Posted: 04 Jul 2010 03:50 AM PDT

iH8sn0w, developer of popular jailbreaking tools such as Sn0wbreeze has just published a detailed guide on how to jailbreak iOS 4 for iPhone 3GS with new bootrom. iH8sn0w was planning to release an updated version of Sn0wbreeze to make this possible but has decided to write the tutorial as he...

How To Add Fancy Symbols To Folder Names Using Glyphboard

Posted: 03 Jul 2010 01:48 PM PDT

Folders is one of the major new features introduced in iOS 4. It helps you keep the apps organized and reduce the clutter on your iPhone's home screen. I really like the way it automatically assigns a name to the folder based on the iPhone apps inside it. If that...

Spirit2Pwn: Hack Allows Users To Update And Jailbreak iPhone 3GS With iOS 4, Which Is Already Jailbroken Using Spirit [Updated]

Posted: 03 Jul 2010 04:02 PM PDT

Things have got quite complicated and confusing for users who want to jailbreak their iPhone after Apple released iOS 4. Currently it is possible to jailbreak iOS 4 for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS but in case of iPhone 3GS, there are still some ifs and buts. You can only...

Sn0wbreeze To Jailbreak iOS 4 For iPhone 3GS (New Bootrom) Coming Soon

Posted: 03 Jul 2010 05:23 AM PDT

iPhone jailbreaking community has released tools like PwnageTool, Redsn0w and Sn0wbreeze to jailbreak iOS 4 for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS users. But in case of iPhone 3GS, they only work if you've an iPhone 3GS with older bootrom, which essentially means that users who bought their iPhone 3GS after...

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