Sunday, October 24, 2010

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

iSeeU: iPhone Accessory Allows You To Make FaceTime-like Video Calls on iPhone 3GS

Posted: 24 Oct 2010 04:07 AM PDT

A Korean company, Playmass has announced the launch of an interesting new accessory for the iPhone 3GS. It's called iSeeU, which will allow iPhone 3GS users to make a video call - minus the awkwardness that comes with it. Since the iPhone 3GS comes sans a front facing camera, making...

Verizon Hiring Call Center Staff For iPhone Launch?

Posted: 23 Oct 2010 02:50 PM PDT

With both Verizon and Apple are yet to officially confirm the arrival of the CDMA iPhone on Verizon early next year, it is left to tech bloggers and enthusiasts to look for clues that point towards either of these companies prepping themselves up for a launch. Yesterday, there were reports...

How To Jailbreak Your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPhone 3G Using PwnageTool (iOS 4.1)

Posted: 23 Oct 2010 02:09 PM PDT

iPhone Dev Team has released PwnageTool 4.1.2 to allow iPhone users to create and update their iPhone with a custom pre-jailbroken iOS 4.1. This guide will provide iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G users with step-by-step instructions to update and jailbreak their iPhone with iOS 4.1. Some important points...

Dev Team Releases PwnageTool 4.1.2; Includes Bug Fixes

Posted: 23 Oct 2010 04:27 PM PDT

iPhone Dev team had released PwnageTool 4.1 for Mac OS X on the eve of Apple's 'Back to Mac' event. If you faced problems using it then checkout PwnageTool (v4.1.2) as iPhone Dev Team has just released, which fixes issues for Mac OS X 10.5.x users. So to recap, PwnageTool...

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