Thursday, November 25, 2010

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Apple Has Added Baseband Requirement In iOS 4.2.1

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 04:14 PM PST

It looks like Apple has just added another hurdle for users who want to unlock their iPhone. Semaphore, developer of Firmware Umbrella (originally called TinyUmbrella) has just revealed that Apple has added a baseband requirement in iOS 4.2.1 that prevents users from using Firmware Umbrella. Semaphore reports: It seems that...

SlingPlayer Mobile for iPad Now Available In App Store

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 03:14 PM PST

Just a week after we reported that SlingMedia was working on the SlingPlayer Mobile for the iPad, they have announced that the iPad version of the popular SlingPlayer Mobile application is now available for download from the App Store. Slingplayer allows users to watch TV on the 9.7 inch display...

Hack Enables AirPlay Feature For Third Party Apps

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 01:12 PM PST

When Apple released the first beta version of iOS 4.2, we were excited about the AirPlay feature as it allowed users to stream content from apps like YouTube, Netflix, Mobile Safari that implemented the video playback controller to stream audio and video content to the new Apple TV. However, when...

iOS 4.2 Brings Accelerometer & WebSockets Support To Mobile Safari

Posted: 24 Nov 2010 11:23 AM PST

Ever since they fell out with Adobe, Apple has been actively advocating the use of HTML5 and other open web standards among the developer community. The company is learned to have formed a "creative technology group" that has been building interactive content with these tools. In June this year, Apple...

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