Thursday, May 12, 2011

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Latest from - The Ultimate iPhone Blog

Twitter Releases Redesigned Mobile Web App

Posted: 11 May 2011 03:49 PM PDT

Twitter has just rolled out a new version of their website for mobile devices. The redesigned mobile web app makes use of web technologies like HTML5, which is supported on devices like the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android based smartphones. Twitter is initially rolling out the new version of their mobile web app to [...]

Apple Releases Apple TV 2G Software Update 4.2.2 (iOS 4.3)

Posted: 11 May 2011 03:09 PM PDT

Apple has just released Apple TV software update 4.2.2 (iOS 4.3 – build 8F305) for Apple TV 2G to fix some minor bugs and also add an audio output setting for switching to 16-bit audio for compatibility with some TVs and AV receivers. Apple TV 4.2.2 includes the following changes and improvements: - Audio: Addresses [...]

MobileNotifier: Jailbreak App That Aims To Revamp iOS Notification System Updated With New Features & Improvements

Posted: 11 May 2011 12:40 PM PDT

Peter Hajas – developer of jailbreak app – MobileNotifier continues to rollout new features and improvements. He has just released the fourth beta version of MobileNotifier on Cydia. MobileNotifier aims to revamp Apple’s iOS Push notification system, which has been maligned for being intrusive and modal. MobileNotifier beta 4 includes the following new features and improvements: [...]

iPad Hologram Setting – We Want It Now

Posted: 11 May 2011 10:33 AM PDT

Do you find iPad or iPhone's screen too small while consuming certain types of digital content? No problem, what if it is possible to create a larger hologram of the iPad screen and you’re able to use multi-touch  hand gestures to interact with it instead? It sounds futuristic but Amit Agarwal of Digital Inspiration has [...]

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