Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Rumor: iPhone 6s to feature dual-lens camera and ‘Force Touch’ pressure sensitive touch technology, and more for 01/14/2015

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Rumor: iPhone 6s to feature dual-lens camera and 'Force Touch' pressure sensitive touch technology

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 14, 2015 09:19 am
According to Asian supply chain sources of UDN, Apple is looking to use a dual-lens design on the next generation of iPhones along with optical zoom. The company is also looking to increase the size of the sensors to allow more light to reach to them, which will ultimately lead to an improved image quality especially in low-light.  Continue reading

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Stay Safe With The BACtrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzer [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on Jan 14, 2015 09:15 am
A lot of people like to close out a warm summer day with a nice alcoholic beverage. Whether you’re winding down after a particularly busy day or you’re out celebrating with family and friends, you want to make sure that you keep everything under control. Monitor your alcohol consumption and make sure you stay safe while drinking with the help of the BACTrack Vio, a breathalyzer that’s always with you. It’s on sale now in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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One out of five iPhone 6 owners will 'definitely' buy an Apple Watch

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 14, 2015 08:13 am
According to a Credit Suisse survey, 18 percent of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus owners will “definitely” buy an Apple Watch. On the other hand, 18 percent of owners of the new iPhone say they will definitely not buy it.  Continue reading

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Apple drags Ericsson to court over high royalty fees for LTE patents

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 14, 2015 07:50 am
Apple has sued Ericsson over the excess royalties the latter is charging for its LTE wireless technology patents.  Continue reading

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Apple agrees to new deal to settle anti-poaching lawsuit

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 14, 2015 07:31 am
Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe have agreed to enter into a settlement to resolve an antitrust class action lawsuit filed against them by tech workers in 2011. Continue reading

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Google Translate gains Instant Translation with Word Lens

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 14, 2015 06:42 am
Google has released a major update to its Translate app for iOS and Android that features Instant translation using Word Lens. Until now, it was possible to click a picture of a text and get its translation in 36 languages using the Translate app.  Continue reading

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Apple earns patent for GoPro-like camera system

By Evan Selleck on Jan 13, 2015 08:19 pm
Apple patents very rarely actually detail a system that’s coming down the pipe soon, or even “somewhat soon,” but they’re certainly a good way to see the ideas that Apple is at least toying around with. Continue reading

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Apple Watch's 'Companion App' reveals new details, Monogram clock face feature and more

By Evan Selleck on Jan 13, 2015 04:28 pm
On January 12, the release of the latest version of iOS 8.2’s beta release revealed that the Apple Watch, which is set to launch sometime in the early part of 2015, will indeed have a companion app. Continue reading

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Download the best apps and games for free for a limited time (Jan 13)

By Jason on Jan 13, 2015 03:48 pm
We have some great apps for you today that have gone free for a short duration on the App Store, including Special Enquiry Detail, Legend of Tell, Mujo and more. Continue reading

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TextBlade is a tiny Bluetooth keyboard for your iPhone or iPad that lets you type 100+ words per minute

By Jason on Jan 13, 2015 03:31 pm
Many iOS users, especially iPad owners, use an external keyboard to get their work done much faster. External keyboard however are large, and in case of keyboard covers, add bulk to your device. Continue reading

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Easily charge your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from across the Room with the 10ft MFi Certified Lightning Cable [52% off]

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