Saturday, March 21, 2015

Poll: Do you use a third-party keyboard or QuickType in iOS 8?, and more for 03/21/2015

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Poll: Do you use a third-party keyboard or QuickType in iOS 8?

By Kelly Hodgkins on Mar 21, 2015 09:45 am
Apple expanded the typing options available to iPad and iPhone owners when it released iOS 8 in September of last year. Two of the biggest changes include a new QuickType feature and the addition of long-awaited support for third-party keyboard apps. Our poll for today focuses on these new features, asking whether you continue to use them or if you have moved on. Continue reading

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TypeTab lets you quickly enter the URL in new Safari tab [Jailbreak Tweak]

By Alihassan Mahdi on Mar 21, 2015 08:45 am
Normally, when you tap on the ‘+’ button in Safari to open a new tab, you will be greeted with a default page that displays all your favorite and frequently visited webpages. TypeTab is a simple jailbreak tweak that lets you quickly enter an address in Safari when a new tab is launched. Continue reading

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BlackBerry launches encrypted enterprise messaging service BBM Protected for iOS

By Rajesh Pandey on Mar 21, 2015 08:12 am
BlackBerry today announced that it is bringing BBM Protected — its enterprise-grade encrypted messaging service — to BBM for iOS. Continue reading

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7 Tips to use your iPhone 6 Plus one-handed

By Gautam Prabhu on Mar 20, 2015 07:30 pm
The iPhone 6 Plus comes with a 5.5-inch display that is flanked by decent bezels at the top and bottom, making it significantly bigger than the 3.5-inch iPhone 4/iPhone 4s or even the 4-inch iPhone 5s/iPhone 5. Continue reading

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Download the best deals on apps and games for a limited time (March 20)

By Kelly Hodgkins on Mar 20, 2015 04:57 pm
We have some great apps for you today that have gone free for a short duration on the App Store, including C.H.A.O.S Combat Copters HD, Magic Tower Story and more. Continue reading

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Co-author of 'Becoming Steve Jobs' opines on his relationship with Jobs

By Evan Selleck on Mar 20, 2015 04:35 pm
The co-author of “Becoming Steve Jobs,” the upcoming book on Steve Jobs’s life from reporter Brent Schlender’s perspective, has opened up about his 25-year relationship with the former Apple CEO. Continue reading

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Apple halts support of Windows 7 in Boot Camp in new MacBook Airs and MacBook Pro

By Evan Selleck on Mar 20, 2015 04:21 pm
Recently, Apple refreshed the 11- and 13-inch MacBook Air lineup, as well as the 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro. While there are some noteworthy changes, for Windows 7 users, upgrading might want to wait. Continue reading

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Apple's in-ear headphones try-on demo kits photographed

By Evan Selleck on Mar 20, 2015 01:01 pm
In early March, it was reported that Apple was going to try something a bit different when it comes to in-ear headphones. Continue reading

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All the best new apps and app updates to land in the App Store this week [March 14 – 20]

By Kelly Hodgkins on Mar 20, 2015 12:22 pm
Each week a new round of apps and app updates land in the iOS App Store. This week is no exception with a new app in the popular CARROT series of antagonistic productivity apps and an update to hotter than hot Meerkat streaming video app. These titles are only a sampling of what is available. Read on for our picks of the best new apps and app updates this week that you shouldn’t miss. Continue reading

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Check out the Apple Watch's animated emoji, Companion app's home screen rearranging

By Evan Selleck on Mar 20, 2015 12:00 pm
The Apple Watch is a wearable that’s meant to make communication a bit easier, and fun. One way to do that is to give new ways of passing along a quick message. Continue reading

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