Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Apple finally updates the official iPhone dock with a lightning connector, and more for 05/19/2015

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Apple finally updates the official iPhone dock with a lightning connector

By Rajesh Pandey on May 19, 2015 10:00 am
Along with the updated 15-inch Retina MacBook Pros and cheaper Retina iMacs, Apple also released an official dock for the iPhone with a lightning connector. Continue reading

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iOS 9 feature wish list: File manager

By Gautam Prabhu on May 19, 2015 09:45 am
Ever since Apple launched the iPhone, one feature that has made it to our wish list is a file manager. In iOS 8, Apple introduced iCloud Drive and a revamped document picker, which finally allowed users to access files created using other apps. It was an improvement over Documents in the Cloud, which prevented an app to access a document created by another app. Continue reading

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Apple launches updated 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro with Force Touch and a cheaper $1,999 Retina iMac

By Rajesh Pandey on May 19, 2015 08:56 am
As a report from yesterday had predicted, Apple has released an updated version of its 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro and a cheaper 27-inch Retina iMac. Continue reading

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Apple and other tech giants ask Obama not to give encrypted phone data to police

By Killian Bell on May 19, 2015 08:42 am
Apple, Google, and other technology giants are asking President Obama to reject government proposals that could provide law enforcement agencies with private phone data. A letter will be sent to the White House today in an effort to protect the privacy rights of cellphone users. Continue reading

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Safari exploit lets hackers trick users into visiting spoof addresses

By Killian Bell on May 19, 2015 06:09 am
Researchers have discovered a URL-spoofing exploit in Safari on both iOS and OS X that allows attackers to trick users into thinking they are visiting trusted websites when in actual fact they are visiting an entirely different address. The hack could be used for phishing and to distribute malware. Continue reading

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President Obama used someone else's iPhone to send his first tweet

By Killian Bell on May 19, 2015 04:48 am
Barack Obama was given his own Twitter account on Monday, six years after becoming President, and he promptly published his first tweet. The greeting was sent from an iPhone, but according to the White House, it wasn’t Obama’s own device. Continue reading

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Starbucks teams up with Spotify to create a new in-store music ecosystem

By Rajesh Pandey on May 18, 2015 11:49 pm
Starbucks today announced a partnership with Spotify that will grant Starbucks loyalty members with access to in-store music from within the Starbucks app. Continue reading

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Daily App Deals: Save more than $50 on Tiny Defense, Blockwick and more (May 18)

By Kelly Hodgkins on May 18, 2015 09:15 pm
We have some great apps for you today that are discounted for a short duration in the App Store, including Tiny Defense, Blockwick and others. Some deals may expire quickly, so grab them while you can. Continue reading

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Apple quietly shelved plans to launch its own branded television set more than a year ago

By Gautam Prabhu on May 18, 2015 09:04 pm
Ever since Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson that he had finally cracked user interface for a television set, the chatter about Apple possibly releasing its own branded television sets has got louder. Continue reading

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Are you going to put a case on your Apple Watch?

By Evan Selleck on May 18, 2015 05:25 pm
Apple devices have a huge third-party accessory well to draw from. The iPhone, the iPad, iPod touch, and even Macs have a wide range of accessories equipped for each device, to help in some way or another. The biggest market might be protective cases, especially for the iPhone, but obviously that's just the tip of the iceberg. Continue reading

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