Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Olloclip Studio is a modular case that takes iPhone photography to the next level, and more for 07/01/2015

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Olloclip Studio is a modular case that takes iPhone photography to the next level

By Killian Bell on Jul 01, 2015 09:45 am
Olliclip has announced its new Studio case for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which boasts an integrated mounting system that lets you attach all kinds of useful accessories, including cold shoe adapters and finger grips. Continue reading

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Users reporting GPS problems after upgrading to iOS 8.4

By Rajesh Pandey on Jul 01, 2015 08:53 am
iOS users over at Apple Support communities are reporting issues with GPS performance of their device after installing the iOS 8.4 update. Continue reading

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Apple adds TRIM support for third-party SSDs in Mac OS X 10.10.4

By Killian Bell on Jul 01, 2015 06:00 am
Apple’s latest OS X 10.10.4 update, which rolled out alongside iOS 8.4 on Tuesday, finally brings TRIM support for third-party solid-state drives (SSDs). Users must enable it manually, but it’s a fairly simple process that takes just a minute. Continue reading

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List of countries where Apple Music and Beats 1 Radio are available

By Killian Bell on Jul 01, 2015 05:06 am
Following the launch of Apple Music and Beats 1 on Tuesday, June 30, Apple has updated its website to confirm the availability of both services by country. We already know that more than 100 markets are on-board, and here’s a list of all of them. Continue reading

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Here's the list of iOS 8.4 Compatible Jailbreak Tweaks

By Andy on Jul 01, 2015 04:59 am
The TaiG team released an updated version of their TaiG jailbreak tool to jailbreak iOS 8.4. If you've successfully jailbroken your iPhone or iPad, then here's the list of jailbreak apps and tweaks that are working on iOS 8.4. Continue reading

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Springtomize 3 for iOS 8.4 released

By Gautam Prabhu on Jul 01, 2015 04:14 am
Springtomize 3, one of the most awaited jailbreak tweaks for iOS 8.4 has just hit Cydia. Few days back, Filippo Bigarella, the developer of Springtomize had announced that he won’t be able to work on updating it for iOS 8.3/iOS 8.4 as he was currently doing an internship at Apple, but another developer will take care of it. Continue reading

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iOS 9 beta 3 will come with Apple Music; will be seeded 'early next week'

By Gautam Prabhu on Jul 01, 2015 02:00 am
Earlier today Apple released iOS 8.4 with Apple Music, its highly anticipated streaming music service. Apple’s Eddy Cue had confirmed last week that Apple Music will also be available to iOS 9 beta users. Continue reading

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Beats 1 down for many listeners

By Evan Selleck on Jun 30, 2015 09:08 pm
Earlier on Tuesday, June 30, Apple officially released iOS 8.4, which also carried along with it the launch of Apple Music. A little bit after that, Beats 1 Radio made its debut, too. Continue reading

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Apple releases iTunes 12.2 with Apple Music and Beats 1 support

By Evan Selleck on Jun 30, 2015 06:34 pm
Tuesday, June 30, quickly became another busy day for Apple. On top of releasing iOS 8.4 and Apple Music, the company also released the public version of OS X 10.10.4, and, now, a brand new version of iTunes. Continue reading

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Listeners can request songs on Beats 1

By Evan Selleck on Jun 30, 2015 06:24 pm
Beats 1, Apple Music‘s accompanying 24/7 global radio station, just launched, with DJ Zane Lowe leading the airwaves. Now, though, as the day goes on, the station is turning things over to the listeners for a bit. Continue reading

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