Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Get a new daily icon for the Calendar app [Jailbreak Tweak], and more for 01/19/2016

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Keep Your Battery Full Without Adding Bulk with ThinCharge

Having a backup battery attached your phone is convenient, but most of them add significant bulk to your device. That's not the case with the ThinCharge, available for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s. You can get the ThinCharger on sale from the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub for just $59.99. That's a 53% savings on a case that you'll want on your device, so grab it today!

Get a new daily icon for the Calendar app [Jailbreak Tweak]

By Osas Obaizamomwan on Jan 19, 2016 08:15 am
Unless you have a calendar attached to your hip, your iPhone is the most likely place you’ll be looking to find which day of the week it is. With that in mind, Apple’s default Calendar app is great but doesn’t provide much customization. Everyday you wake up is a new day, so why not have a calendar that changes as often as the days do?  Continue reading

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Apple manages to secure sales ban on older Samsung smartphones in the US

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 19, 2016 08:15 am
After fighting Samsung for over seven years in various U.S. courts, Apple has finally met with success, though it is of little value — at least in business sense — right now. The company has managed to get the US District court to ban Samsung from selling some of its smartphones in the United States.  Continue reading

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Daily Deals for January 18, 2016 featuring NOTE'd, Speed PRO and more

By Kelly Hodgkins on Jan 18, 2016 10:50 pm
We have some great apps for you today that are discounted for a short duration in the App Store, including NOTE’d, Speed PRO and others. Some deals may expire quickly — even on the same day of this post. If there is a discounted app that you like, grab it while it is still on sale. Continue reading

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Apple accused of sourcing cobalt from suppliers that use child labor

By Rajesh Pandey on Jan 18, 2016 10:44 pm
Apple, Samsung, Sony and a bunch of other tech companies have been accused by the Human rights organisation Amnesty of failing to ensure that the minerals used in their products are not mined by children. As per a report from the Human Rights organisation, Amnesty claims that it found seven-year old children working in dangerous conditions in the Republic of Congo.  Continue reading

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Apple to spend $79.9 million on Campus 2 visitor center

By Akshay Masand on Jan 18, 2016 09:52 pm
Apple plans to spend $79.9 million to build a planned visitor center with a store and cafe at its Campus 2 site. Continue reading

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App Store prices to rise in several countries

By Akshay Masand on Jan 18, 2016 09:18 pm
Apple recently told developers that it will be raising App Store prices in several countries over the next few days in response to fluctuating currencies. Continue reading

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I hope Apple takes its time on launching a VR product

By Evan Selleck on Jan 18, 2016 05:12 pm
Virtual reality is a big talking point these days, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Apple’s sure to get in on the game, too, right? Continue reading

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Easily manage and control your music with Clex3 [Jailbreak Tweak]

By Akshay Masand on Jan 18, 2016 03:59 pm
The jailbreak tweak Clex3 allows music listeners to have better control over all of their music habits.  Continue reading

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iOS code suggests Apple is working on supporting faster, light-based Li-Fi wireless data

By Evan Selleck on Jan 18, 2016 12:50 pm
Wi-Fi has been around for quite some time now, but the future may be focused more on “Li-Fi,” and it looks like Apple is already looking towards that future. Continue reading

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iOS 9.3 lets you officially hide stock apps, but it's not straightforward

By Osas Obaizamomwan on Jan 18, 2016 11:50 am
Find my Friends, Stocks, iBooks, Tips – these are just a few of the stocks apps that many iPhone owners have become used to seeing on their home screens for years. Apple ships all iOS devices with these stock Apple apps, in hopes that customers will find them useful. But inevitably, people would rather have the option of customizing their home screen without being beholden to unmovable apps. Well, it seems that the latest beta, iOS 9.3, actually allows you to hide stock apps — for real.  Continue reading

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