Thursday, March 31, 2016

Apple iPhone SE: Unboxing, First Impressions and Titbits, and more for 03/31/2016

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Apple iPhone SE: Unboxing, First Impressions and Titbits

By Steve Litchfield on Mar 31, 2016 10:36 am
There's an element of 'emperor's new clothes' to the 2014/2015 iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s designs, I contend, in that, however much the internals are demonstrably better, the all-curved physical designs are somewhat 'meh'. I've been saying for a couple of years that the classic iPhone 4 and 5 designs were prettier, easier to grip and more unique in the 2016 smartphone world. And with this, the iPhone SE, Apple just gave the world that classic design back, but massively upgraded internally. What's not to love? Continue reading

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FBI Will Help Arkansas Prosecutors Unlock Another iPhone

By Killian Bell on Mar 31, 2016 05:16 am
After finding a way to break into the iPhone 5c used by a San Bernardino gunman, the FBI has agreed to help Arkansas prosecutors unlock another Apple smartphone. It’s thought the iPhone 6 and an iPod could hold evidence related to a murder trial. Continue reading

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iPhone SE Teardown Reveals a Mix of Components from iPhone 6s and iPhone 5s

By Rajesh Pandey on Mar 30, 2016 10:12 pm
With the iPhone SE making its way to the hands of customers, the folks over at Chipworks have gone ahead and posted the first teardown of the handset. The teardown reveals that the new 4-inch iPhone from Apple uses a lot of components that are also found inside the iPhone 6s, with some being used in the iPhone 5s as well. Continue reading

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First Wave of 9.7-Inch iPad Pro, iPhone SE Orders Begin Arriving

By Evan Selleck on Mar 30, 2016 04:53 pm
The iPhone SE and new 9.7-inch iPad Pro went up for pre-order not too long ago, and now orders are now being fulfilled. Continue reading

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