Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nintendo’s Super Mario Run for iOS Releasing on December 15th, and more for 11/15/2016

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Own your future by learning new skills online. Udemy is offering any course for just $19 to iPhoneHacks readers, which works out to a discount of over 85%. The promotion ends on November 16, so don't miss this chance to grab the deal. Use Coupon code: UDEMY1119

Nintendo's Super Mario Run for iOS Releasing on December 15th

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 15, 2016 09:38 am
Nintendo has just announced that its much-anticipated game Super Mario Run will be releasing on the iOS App Store on December 15th “in United States time zones”. While the game will be free to play, the full version will require you to shell out $9.99. Continue reading

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Jony Ive Talks about 'Designed by Apple in California' Book in New Interview; Gives a Sneak Peek into Design Studio

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 15, 2016 09:30 am
Featuring in an interview with a Japanese website, Apple’s design guru Jony Ive talks about the Cupertino company’s ‘Designed by Apple in California’ book and the design studio. In the accompanying video, Apple gives glimpses of its design studio and some of the photos that are a part of its new design book. Continue reading

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How to Try the New Touch Bar on Any Mac and iPad

By Khamosh Pathak on Nov 15, 2016 09:15 am
It's not every day that Apple invents a whole new interaction model. The last big one was of course the multi touch iPhone screen. Now, Apple's added a thin striped OLED display on the top of the keyboard on the new MacBook Pros, called the Touch Bar. But it's glorified shortcuts bar. It could just be the next big thing. It's a shame you can't try it without spending $1799. Continue reading

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iPhone 7 Plus Tip: Save Storage by Turning Off Portrait Mode Duplicates

By George Tinari on Nov 15, 2016 08:15 am
Portrait mode is that fantastic feature exclusive to your iPhone 7 Plus (with iOS 10.1 and up) that blurs the background in photos. It imitates a nice DSLR bokeh effect seen in professional photography. It's done using a combination of the two lenses on the back of your iPhone 7 plus some software trickery to stitch the layers of depth together. Continue reading

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Apple Releases Hardbound 'Designed by Apple in California' Book Detailing 20 Years of Product Design

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 15, 2016 07:43 am
Apple today announced that it is releasing a new hardbound book detailing 20 years of its design. Titled “Designed by Apple in California,” the book will contain 450 different photographs of Apple’s past and current products. Apple says that the book is dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs. Continue reading

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Poll: Do You Want Apple to Make iPhone 8's Display Even Bigger With a Bezel-Less Design?

By Killian Bell on Nov 15, 2016 07:05 am
According to recent rumors, Apple will make its smartphone displays even larger for next year’s iPhone 8 series, but reduce the size of the displays around the screen so that the handset’s footprint isn’t that much bigger. But do you want a larger iPhone display? Continue reading

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Singapore's First Apple Store Looks to be Delayed by 3 Months

By Killian Bell on Nov 15, 2016 05:29 am
Singapore may be waiting a little while longer to get its first Apple store. Work first started on the new location back in July, and it was expected to be completely by the end of October. A notice at the site now confirms building work will continue until late January. Continue reading

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WhatsApp Brings Video Calling Support to iOS, Android, and Windows Phone

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 15, 2016 12:46 am
WhatsApp today announced that it is adding one of the most-requested features to its messaging client: video calling. The company has announced that “in the coming days” it will be rolling out video calling feature for its users. The feature will be available for Android, Windows Phone, and iOS versions of the app. Continue reading

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Apple Reportedly Considering Launching 'Smart Glasses'

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2016 07:27 pm
Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, has an obvious passion for augmented reality, and a new report might shed some light on what that could turn into eventually. Continue reading

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Daily App Deals for November 14, 2016 featuring Flight Unlimited 2K16, FIST OF AWESOME and more

By Kelly Hodgkins on Nov 14, 2016 07:18 pm
We have some great apps for you today that are discounted for a short duration in the App Store, including Flight Unlimited 2K16, FIST OF AWESOME and others. Some deals may expire quickly — even on the same day of this post. If there is a discounted app that you like, grab it while it is still on sale. Continue reading

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