Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Some Apple Music Subscribers Are Seeing a New ‘My Chill Mix’ Playlist, and more for 06/27/2017

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Some Apple Music Subscribers Are Seeing a New 'My Chill Mix' Playlist

By Evan Selleck on Jun 27, 2017 12:23 pm
One of the strengths for Apple Music is the curated playlists, and it looks like Apple is gearing up to launch a new one for subscribers. Continue reading

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Gene Munster Says AirPods Will Evolve Into 'Wearable, Augmented Audio Device'

By Evan Selleck on Jun 27, 2017 11:49 am
While we don’t have firm numbers, delivered by Apple itself, regarding the Apple Watch and how well it’s selling, the expectations are that it is very, very good. Continue reading

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Greenpeace Calls Out Apple for 'Planned Obsolescence' of Devices

By Evan Selleck on Jun 27, 2017 10:29 am
Earlier this year, Greenpeace gave Apple a glowing review in calling the company “the greenest tech company” when compared to others. Continue reading

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Apple Devising a Way to Automatically Set Alarms Based on Your Sleep Cycle

By Chethan Rao on Jun 27, 2017 09:46 am
Apple has done some extensive research on sleep science, which is evident from every annual iOS update that we see. These efforts got a shot in the arm when Apple launched the Apple Watch to complement the Health app. The company has now received a new patent from the USPTO which allows customers to have their alarms automatically set based on the sleep patterns tracked by accompanying devices. Continue reading

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iPhone 8 Could Face Supply Issues Owing to Shortages in OLED Panels

By Chethan Rao on Jun 27, 2017 09:28 am
The Apple iPhone 8 is expected to be available later this fall. Amidst growing hype and speculation, we’re hearing about the smartphone potentially being delayed due to the low yield and supply of OLED panels. Continue reading

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European Commission Slaps Google with €2.42 Billion Fine for Unfairly Promoting Its Shopping Comparison Service

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 27, 2017 08:08 am
The European Commission today slapped Google with a staggering fine of €2.42 billion ($2.7 billion) for using its dominant search position to unfairly promote its own comparison shopping service over its competitors. Continue reading

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Apple Starts Selling Refurbished Apple Pencil for $85 in the US

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 26, 2017 11:54 pm
More than a year after initially unveiling them, Apple has started selling certified refurbished Apple Pencil through its online store. While a brand new Apple Pencil is priced at $99, one can get the refurbished Pencil for $85 thereby translating into a saving of $14. Continue reading

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Improve Your Resume By Mastering Microsoft Excel [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on Jun 26, 2017 06:49 pm
Microsoft Excel is an essential program to understand in a number of fields. Mastering it will give you a leg up on your competition in the professional world and launch new opportunities. Up your skills with the Microsoft Excel Specialist Certification Bundle, on sale now from the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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How to Install iOS 11 Public Beta on Your iPhone and iPad

By Khamosh Pathak on Jun 26, 2017 05:22 pm
iOS 11 is a really exciting update for the decade-old platform, especially if you're an iPad user. But you can't get your hands on it until the official release in Fall. But there's a workaround. If you're the adventurous type, you can enroll into Apple's Public Beta and take the iOS 11 Public Beta for a spin. Continue reading

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Get a Closer Look At Everything With this High-Res, Durable Camera [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on Jun 26, 2017 05:00 pm
There are some things the human eye just can’t see. When you’re squinting to get a look into a hard-to-reach place, just grab the WiFi HD Waterproof Endoscopic Camera. This unique accessory is on sale now from the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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