Monday, May 21, 2018

Apple Removing CallKit Apps From the Chinese App Store Due to Government Regulations, and more for 05/21/2018

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Apple Removing CallKit Apps From the Chinese App Store Due to Government Regulations

By Rajesh Pandey on May 21, 2018 09:18 am
Last year, Apple removed hundreds of thousands of VPN apps from the Chinese iOS App Store due to government intervention. Now, it looks like the Chinese government has gone behind apps that make use of CallKit API. This is because Apple is sending developers an email informing them that they need to remove the CallKit framework from their app in China due to government regulation.  Continue reading

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Teen Monitoring App TeenSafe Suffers Data Breach; Stored Apple ID Password in Plaintext

By Rajesh Pandey on May 20, 2018 11:58 pm
A popular “secure” monitoring app, TeenSafe, used by parents to monitor the location, calling history, text messages, and browsing history of their kids has suffered a data breach. The company behind TeenSafe left its servers hosted on Amazon Web Services platform unprotected thereby making them accessible to anyone without a password. Continue reading

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How to Change Apple Watch Bands

By Khamosh Pathak on May 20, 2018 02:14 pm
Apple Watch is now three generations old but its design has stayed the same, including the notches for replacing the bands. And it's safe to say that this tradition will continue for a couple of years. If you've got an Apple Watch, one of the best ways to accessorize is to change the bands. Continue reading

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Enjoy The Best In Business Cloud Storage With Zoolz [Deals Hub]

By Thomas Koshy on May 20, 2018 01:00 pm
More and more businesses are moving their data to cloud storage. Cloud storage has a lot of advantages: it's secure, fast, and safe from physical damage that could potentially happen to desktop computers. You can also access it from anywhere with a WiFi connection on any machine. But with so many cloud storage options, which ones really stand out? Zoolz Cloud Storage was named the #1 Best Business Cloud Storage by TopTenReviews, and it's on sale now in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub for $44.95 — 98% off the retail price of $3,600. Continue reading

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What's The Difference: YouTube Red vs YouTube Premium Vs YouTube Music Premium

By Khamosh Pathak on May 20, 2018 11:21 am
After 3 years of limited availability, Google is ditching YouTube Red and is replacing it with two new services with grand ambitions. There’s now going to be two new paid services from YouTube: YouTube Music Premium and YouTube Premium. And don’t worry, Google Play Music isn’t going anywhere. So what exactly does this mean? Will you need to pay twice if you want to watch YouTube music videos ad-free? Read on to find out. Continue reading

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