Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Latest from iPhoneHacks.com

Latest from iPhoneHacks.com

Siri can flip a coin, and also roll the dice

Posted: 01 Oct 2013 04:06 AM PDT

Siri can flip a coin, and also roll the dice
You can use Siri for tons of things and Apple has added even more features to it in iOS 7, but I’m sure many of you didn’t know it could also do this. Continue reading

Verizon to honor unlimited data plan upgrades resulting from weekend glitch

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 06:43 PM PDT

Verizon to honor unlimited data plan upgrades resulting from weekend glitch
Verizon Wireless’ online ordering system had a tough weekend — a glitch allowed customers with an unlimited data plan to keep their plan and upgrade their phone with a discount. This goes against Verizon’s current policy which requires customers with an unlimited data plan to pay full retail price if they want a new phone. Continue reading

Tips to troubleshoot problems while sending and receiving iMessages in iOS 7

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 05:00 PM PDT

Tips to troubleshoot problems while sending and receiving iMessages in iOS 7
Having problems sending iMessages in iOS 7? You are not alone as an increasing number of people are reporting issues with both sending and receiving iMessages when using Apple’s latest mobile OS. If you are having difficulties with Apple’s iCloud Messaging service, here are a few steps you can take to get Messages back on track. Continue reading

Delta abandons the iPad, replaces it with the Surface 2 for its pilots

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:32 PM PDT

Delta abandons the iPad, replaces it with the Surface 2 for its pilots
Delta is dropping its iPad trial and issuing Surface 2 tablets to its pilots. These tablets will become the cornerstone of the company’s new electronic flight bag (EFB) and will replace the heavy paper-bound versions. Though Microsoft is playing up this deal, this transition was not as smooth as it appears on the surface, says a report in AppleInsider. Continue reading

What the iPhone 5s tells us about the upcoming iPads

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:41 PM PDT

What the iPhone 5s tells us about the upcoming iPads
Now that the iPhone 5s has been revealed and is in the hands of the public, our focus turns to the iPad and its smaller companion, the iPad mini. Rumors and history suggest Apple’s tablet device will see a refresh in October. What does Apple have in store for its two iPad models? We don’t have to look much further than the iPhone 5s for some clues on what Apple may be packing into its next generation tablet devices. Continue reading

Couldn’t buy the iPhone 5s? SlowCam brings slow motion video to iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:52 PM PDT

Couldn’t buy the iPhone 5s? SlowCam brings slow motion video to iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c
One of the most talked about features of the iPhone 5s has been the new “slo-mo” camera mode that shoots videos at a very high frame rate of 120 fps (regular frame rate is 30 fps), which means the video can be slowed down to quarter of the speed and still appear normal to the human eye. Continue reading

Samsung to still manufacture portion of Apple’s next-generation A8 chips next year

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:48 PM PDT

Samsung to still manufacture portion of Apple’s next-generation A8 chips next year
Apple has long been rumored to reduce its reliance on Samsung for critical components of the iPhone like the A-series chip, and with the recent partnership with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the company is looking to finally move away from Samsung. Continue reading

Get to know the new Music app and iTunes Radio in iOS 7 [Video]

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:40 AM PDT

Get to know the new Music app and iTunes Radio in iOS 7 [Video]
iOS 7 isn’t just about the redesign, it also includes a number of new features such as iTunes Radio that lets you stream music from “stations” curated by Apple as well as generated by your listening preferences. Continue reading

Judge throws out Apple’s motion to intervene in Lodsys patent dispute with developers

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:25 AM PDT

Judge throws out Apple’s motion to intervene in Lodsys patent dispute with developers
Lodsys, the notorious patent troll that sued many iOS developers for using Apple’s In-app purchase API is free to continue its trolling after a Texas judge tossed out Apple’s motion to intervene in Lodsys’ patent suits against developers. Continue reading

Apple passes sugar-water maker Coca-Cola to become the world’s most valuable brand

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 10:25 AM PDT

Apple passes sugar-water maker Coca-Cola to become the world’s most valuable brand
Every year since the year 2000, a company called Interbrand has released a list of the world’s most valuable brands. Watching those brands rise and fall on that list has been both incredibly entertaining and horribly depressing, and this year is no different. In 2011, Apple was the 8th most valuable brand. We all know what happened in 2011, right? The iPhone 4 came out, arguably one the company’s most iconic devices. A year later, in 2012, they became number two. This year, they’re now on top. They surpassed sugar-water maker Coca-Cola, which is now number three. Continue reading

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