Saturday, October 19, 2013

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Google Hangouts update lets you make free calls to US and Canada, receive calls using your Google Voice number

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 08:16 PM PDT

Google Hangouts update lets you make free calls to US and Canada, receive calls using your Google Voice number
Google has just released an update for its Hangouts app for iPhone. The update finally allow users to make and receive calls. When Google had released the Hangouts app as the unified messaging system earlier this year, it had announced that it would be adding Google Voice support soon. Continue reading

Analyst: Apple has increased iPhone 5s orders by 75%, cuts iPhone 5c orders by 35%

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 06:26 PM PDT

Analyst: Apple has increased iPhone 5s orders by 75%, cuts iPhone 5c orders by 35%
DisplaySearch analyst Tina Teng reports that according to their sources, Apple is cutting iPhone 5c orders by 35%, echoing similar reports by Wall Street Journal and other news publications. The report also claims that Apple has increased production of iPhone 5s orders by 75%. Continue reading

Apple sued over automatic over-the-air iOS 7 download

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 05:09 PM PDT

Apple sued over automatic over-the-air iOS 7 download
A sizeable percentage of users did not update their iOS device to iOS 7 when it was released last week due to various reasons. These users discovered that their iOS device had already downloaded the iOS 7 update, and were not happy about it. Continue reading

Pokémon fans: Use Siri to turn your iPhone into a Real-Life Pokédex

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 01:41 PM PDT

Pokémon fans: Use Siri to turn your iPhone into a Real-Life Pokédex
Wolfram Alpha today announced that it added information about 649 Pokémon to its database, which can be queried by users. If you’re a Pokémon fan, you’ll be happy to know that this information is accessible via Siri as well, so your iOS device is now also a real-life Pokédex. Continue reading

Video: Watch Hackers intercept iMessages between two iOS devices

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 12:32 PM PDT

Video: Watch Hackers intercept iMessages between two iOS devices
Yesterday, evad3rs team member pod2g, aka Cyril Cattiaux, gave a presentation on how Apple, if it wanted to, could intercept the iMessages you send to your friends or family. Apple today refuted pod2g’s claims, saying that the “theoretical” flaws described in his presentation would require a complete re-engineering of the iMessage system. Continue reading

Report claims iOS 7 adoption rate slower than iOS 6

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 11:24 AM PDT

Report claims iOS 7 adoption rate slower than iOS 6
Adoption rates of new iOS releases is generally quite high, since Apple’s update delivery mechanism isn’t governed by carriers or any other third parties. However, according to a report from advertising network Millennial Media, iOS 7 might be seeing lower adoption rates than iOS 6, possibly due to its radical new design changes. Continue reading

Amazon listing sparks off speculation of new Apple TV launch at October 22nd event

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 09:12 AM PDT

Amazon listing sparks off speculation of new Apple TV launch at October 22nd event
Engadget reports that Amazon’s French and German sites briefly showed Apple TV as out of stock, with availability from October 23. This has sparked off speculations that Apple may launch the new Apple TV at the media event on October 22. Continue reading

Apple refutes claims it can read encrypted iMessages

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 06:44 AM PDT

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