Monday, July 21, 2014

‘Find My iPhone’ helps man track down stolen car in Peru, and more for 07/21/2014

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'Find My iPhone' helps man track down stolen car in Peru

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 21, 2014 09:00 am
There have been a lot of interesting story lines surrounding Find My iPhone over the years, as the security feature has helped numerous Apple users find their stolen or misplaced iPhones and iPads. But for one Peruvian man, the tracking tool helped him locate much more than just a stolen smartphone or tablet.  Continue reading

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New iPhone 6 Photos hint at light-up Apple logo for Notifications

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 21, 2014 08:42 am
While most of the details surrounding the oft-rumored iPhone 6 have already been leaked, given that the smartphone is expected to launch in just a few months, new photos provide a closer look at what could be a light-up Apple logo for notifications on the back of the device. We’ve got a closer look at the photos ahead.  Continue reading

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Apple opening new Retail Store in Chongqing, China on July 26

By Gautam Prabhu on Jul 21, 2014 08:07 am
Apple will be opening a new store at the Paradise Walk mall in the Jiangbei District of Chongqing on Saturday, July 26th. Chongqing is a major city in Southwest China with a population of over 28 million. Continue reading

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Apple could hold off on IGZO display technology until iPad Air 3

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 21, 2014 07:56 am
While there have been several rumors over the past few years suggesting that Apple is in talks with Sharp to implement IGZO displays on its iOS devices, the cutting-edge technology has yet to find its way to the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. However, a new report claims that the iPad Air 3 could be the first iOS device with an IGZO-based screen.  Continue reading

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Apple announces Eighth iTunes Festival in London featuring Maroon 5, Pharrell Williams and more

By Gautam Prabhu on Jul 21, 2014 06:43 am
Apple has just announced that it will be holding its eighth annual iTunes Festival in London in September at The Roundhouse. Apple has been holding iTunes Festivals in London since 2007, where over 400 artists have performed and attracted more than 430,000 people.  Continue reading

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Here's what happens to an iPhone run over by a lawn mower

By Jason on Jul 20, 2014 05:13 pm
We’ve seen every new iPhone undergo drop tests, scratch tests and get blown into pieces in a blender. But what happens to an iPhone that gets run over by a lawn mower? Continue reading

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How to bulk delete photos from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

By Jason on Jul 20, 2014 03:38 pm
If you want to delete a bunch of photos from your iPhone or iPad to free up space, the Photos app has a really useful option to delete images in bulk. Continue reading

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How to change Jailbroken iPhone or iPad's root password

By Gautam Prabhu on Jul 20, 2014 02:22 pm
If you’re new to jailbreaking, and have just jailbroken your iOS device using the Pangu jailbreak then it may be a good idea to change the default root password to prevent someone with malicious intent from gaining access to your device. Continue reading

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Top 5 iOS 7 iPad Themes

By Cody on Jul 20, 2014 02:15 pm
The majority of Apple users have an iPhone so the majority of our coverage pertains to that device. But, what about the iPads? They need love too! So here are the top 5 iPad themes for iOS that you can grab from Cydia right now! Continue reading

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Best Jailbreak Tweaks of the Week (July 14 – July 20)

By Cody on Jul 20, 2014 12:00 pm
We’re back with another best tweaks of the week! This past week a few good jailbreak tweaks were released and if you haven’t been keeping track, we’d like to let you know what’s out there. We have Hermes, HandyDialer, Slide to Reboot, ListeningLauncher, and SwipeExpander. So, let’s go ahead and take a closer look at each of these. Continue reading

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