Monday, July 7, 2014

Springtomize 3 updated with iOS 7.1.x support and dark folder backgrounds [Jailbreak Tweak], and more for 07/07/2014

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Springtomize 3 updated with iOS 7.1.x support and dark folder backgrounds [Jailbreak Tweak]

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 07, 2014 01:32 am
Italian developer Filippo Bigarella has updated his popular jailbreak tweak Springtomize 3 with support for the iOS 7.1.x jailbreak, released last month by the Chinese team Pangu. The update is available to existing users of Springtomize 3 for free through Cydia, and includes a number of bug fixes and the addition of one noteworthy new feature. Read ahead for a closer look.  Continue reading

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Korean Government demands Apple change 'no refund' App Store policy

By Evan Selleck on Jul 07, 2014 01:17 am
Not having refunds has been something of a norm in app stores, but not everyone is a fan of the methodology, the South Korean government being not too pleased with the practice. As a result, they’ve demanded some changes be made. Continue reading

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ColorfulVolume lets you customize the Volume HUD on iOS 7 [Jailbreak Tweak]

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 07, 2014 01:08 am
Since the release of the iOS 7 jailbreak around six months ago, there have been a myriad of jailbreak tweaks released that color different elements of the user interface. ColorfulVolume is the latest extension that fits that criteria, allowing you to customize the Volume HUD on jailbroken iPhones running iOS 7 or later. Read ahead for a full rundown of how the tweak works.  Continue reading

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How to get iOS 8-like Interactive Notifications for Messages in iOS 7 right now

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 07, 2014 12:20 am
Perhaps one of the best new features in iOS 8 is interactive notifications, allowing iPhone and iPad users to respond to messages, calendar invitations, mail, reminders and more without leaving the app they are in. If you cannot wait until the public release of iOS 8 in the fall, Interactive Message Notifications is a new jailbreak tweak that extends the feature to iOS 7 right now.  Continue reading

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Foxconn reportedly adding 10,000 robots to iPhone 6 assembly line, despite recent hiring spree

By Evan Selleck on Jul 06, 2014 10:35 pm
At the end of June, it was reported that Foxconn, one of the manufacturers being utilized for the upcoming iPhone 6, had kicked off a hiring spree to prepare for the upcoming launch. Now, as revealed by the CEO of Foxconn’s parent company during a shareholder meeting, the manufacturer is adding more than a few machines into the mix, too. Continue reading

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The Best Jailbreaking Practices for iPhone and iPad users

By Joe Rossignol on Jul 06, 2014 11:40 am
While I have been jailbreaking for close to seven years, there are others that are newer to the scene. If you are planning on jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, or even if you have just recently jailbroken, there are several good practices to follow to avoid problems and ensure that your device remains in proper working order. Read ahead for some useful jailbreaking advice to keep in mind.  Continue reading

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