Friday, June 12, 2015

LG Display rumored to be the sole supplier for Apple Watch 2 display, and more for 06/12/2015

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LG Display rumored to be the sole supplier for Apple Watch 2 display

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 12, 2015 09:15 am
The Retina display on the Apple Watch is currently the best smartwatch display in the market. The flexible P-OLED panel of the smartwatch is supplied to Apple by a sole supplier: LG Display. Continue reading

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iOS 9 brings Mail Drop support to iPhone and iPad; allows you to email large attachments using iCloud

By Gautam Prabhu on Jun 12, 2015 08:16 am
iOS 9 removes an annoying restriction as it finally allows you to email more than 5 photos using the Photos app. While testing this out, I also realized that iOS 9 includes support for Mail Drop, a feature that allows users to send large attachments up to 5GB in size via iCloud. Apple had introduced the feature with OS X Yosemite last year. Continue reading

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Notifyr, the app that brings iOS notifications to your Mac, goes free

By Killian Bell on Jun 12, 2015 06:20 am
Notifyr, the handy app that lets you view iOS notifications on your Mac in real-time, is now free for a limited time — down from $4.99. Continue reading

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Enjoy 'Backstage', Apple's WWDC opener, all over again

By Killian Bell on Jun 12, 2015 04:31 am
Apple kicked off its WWDC keynote earlier this week with a hilarious "Backstage" video starring Saturday Night Live’s Bill Hader and other familiar faces. If you missed it, or you just want to enjoy it all over again, now you can, because Apple has made the video available online. Continue reading

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Google working on improvements to address Chrome's battery hog complaints on Mac, aims to bring it on par with Safari

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 12, 2015 04:08 am
There is little denying the fact that Chrome has become a resource hogging browser on all platforms. This is clearly evident on OS X where MacBook owners can get significantly better battery life by switching to Safari. Continue reading

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Twitter is removing the 140 character limit from its Direct Messages

By Evan Selleck on Jun 11, 2015 05:06 pm
Twitter has always been about keeping connected with people and brands across its social network, all with the hitch that users only have 140 characters to do it. Continue reading

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Apple Music: Everything you need to know about Apple's music streaming service

By Kelly Hodgkins on Jun 11, 2015 03:50 pm
Apple used WWDC 2015 to introduce Apple Music, a new music streaming service that was built upon the foundation of Beats Music, which Apple acquired in 2014 for $3 billion. The service is much different from what Apple has offered in past, incorporating a streaming music service, a 24-hour radio station and an artist-driven social network. How does this new music service mesh with Apple’s other offerings such as iTunes Radio and iTunes Match? Read on to find out more about the new Apple Music. Continue reading

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Apple Music will pay industry standards for streaming revenue fees to music labels

By Evan Selleck on Jun 11, 2015 03:34 pm
Despite the fact that streaming music has become a huge market, there’s still plenty of back-and-forth when it comes to monthly payments from consumers, and any money being made by the artists providing all of that content. Continue reading

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New in iOS 9: You can finally email more than 5 photos using the Photos app

By Gautam Prabhu on Jun 11, 2015 03:07 pm
Currently in iOS 8 or earlier, emailing multiple photos from your iPhone or iPad can be quite a frustrating experience. You can add multiple photos using the “Insert Photo or Video” option in the Mail app but you need to insert them one by one, or you can send only 5 photos at once via the Mail app. Continue reading

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Fly Faster than Ever Before with the Axis Turbo-X Drone [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on Jun 11, 2015 02:43 pm
If you haven’t had the chance to play with a drone yet, then you don’t know what you’re missing. The sky-bound toy is ideal for all ages, and now you can experience flight at faster speeds than ever with the tiny, zippy Turbo-X Drone, on sale now in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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