Tuesday, June 16, 2015

PSA: LastPass hacked, change your master password right now, and more for 06/16/2015

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PSA: LastPass hacked, change your master password right now

By Killian Bell on Jun 16, 2015 08:49 am
LastPass has asked all users to update their master passwords following a data breach that allowed email addresses, password reminders, authentication hashes, and other information to be compromised. The company insists your login data remains secure, but it is taking precautionary measures to be sure. Continue reading

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You can now relive the entire WWDC keynote on YouTube

By Killian Bell on Jun 16, 2015 06:27 am
Still haven’t caught up with WWDC? Now you can watch it anytime, anywhere, and on almost any device after Apple uploaded the entire 2-hour and 25-minute video to YouTube. Continue reading

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Here are the best photos taken with an iPhone over the last year

By Killian Bell on Jun 16, 2015 05:28 am
We all know the iPhone is capable of shooting incredible photos — it’s one of the best smartphone cameras available — and every year some of the best are highlighted by the iPhone Photography Awards, or IPPAWARDS. Here are this year’s stunning picks. Continue reading

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Apple seeds sixth OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite beta to developers and public testers

By Evan Selleck on Jun 15, 2015 07:02 pm
It’s been less than a week since Apple seeded the fifth developer and public beta for OS X 10.10.4, but now the latest release is here. Continue reading

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Apple adds four new videos to the 'Shot on iPhone 6′ ad campaign

By Evan Selleck on Jun 15, 2015 06:02 pm
In early March, Apple launched a new marketing campaign to show off the power of the iPhone 6‘s camera. A few months later, the company added video to the mix. Continue reading

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Daily App Deals: Grab these limited-time discounts on Chronicle – Bill Reminders, Crazy Hedgy and more (June 15)

By Kelly Hodgkins on Jun 15, 2015 05:48 pm
We have some great apps for you today that are discounted for a short duration in the App Store, including Sleep Cycle power nap, Emoji Keypad and others. Some deals may expire quickly — even on the same day of this post. If there is a discounted app that you like, grab it while it is still on sale. Continue reading

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OS X El Capitan preview roundup: Yosemite aesthetic with plenty of worthwhile refinements

By Evan Selleck on Jun 15, 2015 04:48 pm
Right now, OS X El Capitan is in its early beta stages, with a public launch planned for later this year. That hasn’t stopped quite a few different publications from publishing their first impressions of the new desktop software. Continue reading

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Code found in iOS 9 suggests 'iPad Pro' could boast 2732×2048 display

By Evan Selleck on Jun 15, 2015 04:25 pm
As developers and enthusiasts get more time with iOS 9, it’s only a matter of time before even more details are discovered. Continue reading

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Here are the iOS 9 features that were inspired by Android

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 15, 2015 02:10 pm
Last week, Apple unveiled iOS 9 at the WWDC 2015 keynote. The upcoming version of iOS comes with only a handful of major new features, but packs in a lot of usability enhancements to make the overall experience of using the OS pleasant. Continue reading

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Facebook launches Moments, a new standalone app to share photos privately

By Evan Selleck on Jun 15, 2015 01:34 pm
Another day, another app from Facebook. This one’s all about the photographs that you, or your friends, take, and figuring out a new and secure way to share them. Continue reading

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