Saturday, May 7, 2016

Apple Employee Reveals iOS 10 to Come with Standalone ‘HomeKit’ App, and more for 05/07/2016

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Apple Employee Reveals iOS 10 to Come with Standalone 'HomeKit' App

By Rajesh Pandey on May 07, 2016 10:43 am
An Apple employee who works in the marketing department of the company has revealed that the next version of iOS will come with a standalone “HomeKit” app. The employee revealed this information in a review on Amazon. Continue reading

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7 Favorite iPhone 3D Touch Tricks

By Gautam Prabhu on May 07, 2016 09:23 am
When Apple introduced iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus with the 3D Touch as one of the tentpole features, I was quite excited. Apple had revolutionalised user interface on mobile devices with multi-touch with the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, and it felt like, 3D Touch, a new pressure-sensitive screen technology from Apple, was the start of a new interface revolution. Continue reading

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Leaked iTunes 12.4 Screenshots Show Slightly Redesigned Interface with Improved Navigation

By Rajesh Pandey on May 07, 2016 12:59 am
Earlier this year, Apple’s Eddy Cue had promised that the Cupertino company is working on a slight redesign for iTunes to make Apple Music easier to use. The update was supposed to be a part of the OS X 10.11.4 update from Apple, but that never happened, as the update was seemingly delayed by Apple. Now, a source of MacRumors has shared some screenshots of iTunes 12.4 that gives us a look at the slightly redesigned interface. Continue reading

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Tweetbot's Latest Update Makes it Easier to Live Tweet with 'Topics'

By Evan Selleck on May 06, 2016 05:24 pm
Now that Twitter has reclassified itself into a News app, moving away from the social network crowd, Tweetbot –a popular third-party Twitter app– has made it even easier to live tweet. Continue reading

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New Rumor Says 'iPhone 7' Won't Feature a Smart Connector After All

By Evan Selleck on May 06, 2016 02:26 pm
The “iPhone 7,” as it’s currently being called, is still circulating the Rumor Mill right now, months before Apple gets around to announcing the features it will actually boast. Continue reading

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Apple Launches 'Moms Shot on iPhone' Website for Mother's Day

By Evan Selleck on May 06, 2016 01:48 pm
Earlier this week, in preparation for Mother’s Day (which is May 8, call your mom!), Apple launched a new ‘Shot on iPhone’ ad campaign. Continue reading

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How to Reduce Netflix Mobile Data Usage on Your iPhone

By Kelly Hodgkins on May 06, 2016 01:47 pm
Netflix released a new version of its iOS app with an option that allows you to control the quality of the video you see, and in turn allowing you also to manage the data usage on your iPhone or Cellular iPad. No more relying on Netflix’s built-in network analyzer, the controls are now in your capable hands. Read on for a quick tutorial on how to configure this new and very useful option to avoid paying overage charges. Continue reading

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See the World in a Whole New Way with EightOnes Virtual Reality 2.0 Kit [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on May 06, 2016 01:30 pm
You have a portal to whole new worlds just sitting in your pocket, waiting to be activated. With the EightOnes Virtual Reality 2.0 Kit, you can finally unlock the possibilities held by your smartphone and visit the world like never before. Get it on sale now from the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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