Thursday, May 26, 2016

Explore the Final Frontier in ‘Civilization: Beyond Earth’ [Deals Hub], and more for 05/26/2016

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Explore the Final Frontier in 'Civilization: Beyond Earth' [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on May 26, 2016 11:30 am
Who says Macs aren’t for gamers? One of the best strategy games of all time is on the platform. You can get Civilization: Beyond Earth plus a plethora of expansion packs on sale now from the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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VirnetX Wants iMessage and FaceTime Banned as it Seeks Even More Money

By Evan Selleck on May 26, 2016 11:24 am
Apple has been fighting patent-related issues with a company called VirnetX since 2012, and it doesn’t look to be ending soon. Continue reading

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Best VR (Virtual Reality) Headsets for the iPhone

By Kelly Hodgkins on May 26, 2016 09:15 am
We’ve been dreaming about virtual reality technology for a long time, and now the technology is finally starting to catch up with the promise. Though the field as a whole is still in its infancy, VR technology is available now for iPhone owners who want to check it out. In its current form, the technology uses your smartphone as a display and requires you to wear a pair of goggles to make the experience immersive.  Continue reading

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Pokémon Go Field Test Reaches U.S. as Release Draws Closer

By Killian Bell on May 26, 2016 09:14 am
Pokémon Go, the exciting exploration game for iPhone from Niantic Labs, is now being field tested in the U.S. for the first time ahead of its official debut. The game has already been tested in Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, but not everyone can get it just yet. Continue reading

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Apple Ramping up Its Spending to Millions of Dollars on Original TV Content

By Rajesh Pandey on May 26, 2016 09:04 am
The Financial Time reports that last year Eddy Cue offered Olaf Olafsson, head of corporate strategy at Time Warner, of Apple buying out the company. The idea was passed around in passing and never really materialised. However, Apple continues to be interested in the media field as it is ramping up its spending to “several hundred million dollars a year” on original content. Continue reading

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How to Add Empty Spaces to Your iPhone Home Screen Without Jailbreaking

By Killian Bell on May 26, 2016 07:17 am
Don’t you wish you could put your iPhone’s home screen icons anywhere — just like you can on Android? Well, now it’s possible, and you don’t need to jailbreak your device or install third-party tweaks. Here’s what to do. Continue reading

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iPhone Assembler Foxconn Replaces 60,000 Workers With Robots

By Killian Bell on May 26, 2016 06:03 am
Foxconn, Apple’s biggest manufacturing partner, has replaced 60,000 of its assembly workers with robots. Its workforce at a factory in Kunshan, China, has been reduced from 110,000 people to just 50,000 as a result. Continue reading

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Daily App Deals for May 25, 2016 featuring Surgeon Simulator, Drop The Chicken and more

By Kelly Hodgkins on May 25, 2016 06:34 pm
We have some great apps for you today that are discounted for a short duration in the App Store, including Surgeon Simulator, Drop The Chicken and others. Some deals may expire quickly — even on the same day of this post. If there is a discounted app that you like, grab it while it is still on sale. Continue reading

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Alphabet's Eric Schmidt Says Samsung is Better Even as he Uses an iPhone

By Evan Selleck on May 25, 2016 12:54 pm
Alphabet’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, is well known as a major presence within the Android army, but he’s not afraid to use the competition’s devices. Continue reading

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Apple Exploring Charging Infrastructure for Electric Cars

By Evan Selleck on May 25, 2016 12:16 pm
Apple’s building a car, if the Rumor Mill has any say in the matter. And if it is an electric car, an infrastructure to charge those vehicles out on the roads will be necessary for the Apple Car. Continue reading

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