Monday, June 4, 2018

How to Watch WWDC 2018 Keynote Live, and more for 06/04/2018

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Top Stories on iPhoneHacks:

How to Watch WWDC 2018 Keynote Live

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 04, 2018 09:20 am
Apple’s WWDC 2018 kicks off on June 4, Monday, where the company is expected to unveil iOS 12, macOS 10.14, watchOS 5, and more. Just like last year, Apple is holding its yearly developer conference at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose. Apart from some notable executives from Apple and its developer team, some coveted journalists and developers are going to be present for the event. Continue reading

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Apple Music Tools Website Updated with the Ability to Search and Play Tracks

By Chethan Rao on Jun 04, 2018 09:13 am
Apple has always lacked a proper web player to sign-in and play music, a feature which rival brands like Spotify and Google Play Music offer already. But that could be changing soon thanks to a revelation made by a Reddit user. Continue reading

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iOS 12 Wishlist Roundup: 7 Features We Want to See in the next Version of iOS

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 04, 2018 09:10 am
In a couple of days from now, Apple will be unveiling iOS 12 at its developer conference in San Jose. A major new release of iOS will bring with it a bunch of new features, enhance existing ones, and provide developers with new and powerful APIs to create even better apps for the platform. Continue reading

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Apple Tightening Grip on MacBook Supply Chain Thereby Cutting Into Contractor Profits

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 04, 2018 08:50 am
Apple is reportedly looking to tighten its grip on the MacBook supply chain which is going to negatively affect the profit of its contracted suppliers. Apple already negotiates directly with TSMC, Samsung and other companies for key MacBook components. However, it is now looking to directly negotiate the price of other components like screws, metallic and plastic parts on behalf of its contract suppliers. Continue reading

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Facebook Gave Apple, Samsung and Others Deep Access to User Data

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 04, 2018 07:19 am
A report from New York Times details that Facebook may have violated a 2011 FTC consent and shared its user data with Apple, Samsung, BlackBerry, and other companies. The partnership was formed by Facebook so as to allow OEMs to offer messaging, Like button, and other features in their system app. Continue reading

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Apple Posts Animoji Ad on Its Global YouTube Channel, Hinting of Changes to Come with iOS 12

By Chethan Rao on Jun 04, 2018 04:55 am
As we prepare for Apple’s annual WWDC event later today, Apple has shared a new Animoji themed commercial for the Korean audiences. Posted on its official YouTube page, the ad plays Korean band HYUKOH’s “Citizen Kane.” The video features the bear emoji, accompanied by the dragon and chicken emoji respectively. Continue reading

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Alleged Hacker Claims to Sell Access to Apple's Internal Tools

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 03, 2018 11:56 pm
A hacker claims that he has access to Apple’s internal tools which provides him with account information of Apple customers. The hacker has been showing off that he has access to the tools on Twitter by posting various screenshots. The tool is apparently Apple’s Global Service Exchange GSX) system which is primarily used by authorized staff to handle after-sales support for customers. Continue reading

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Break Into a New Field This Year With The Coding Bundle for Beginners [Deals Hub]

By Thomas Koshy on Jun 03, 2018 01:00 pm
It's never too late to learn something new, especially a skill as valuable as coding. More and more jobs are requiring basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python, even if they're not in the tech industry, and knowing how to build a website helps you create your own personal space online. Master the basics with the The Coding 101 Bundle: it's available in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub for a Pay What You Want Special. Continue reading

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Jailbreakers: Here's Another Reason to Restore iPhone X, iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus to iOS 11.3.1

By Andy on Jun 03, 2018 12:44 pm
As we had reported yesterday, coolstar, developer of Electra Jailbreak had recommended jailbreakers to restore to iOS 11.3.1 if they had updated to iOS 11.3.1 – iOS 11.2 using the OTA method. Continue reading

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Best FIFA World Cup 2018 iPhone and iPad Apps

By Khamosh Pathak on Jun 03, 2018 12:39 pm
It's the football world cup season again! That precious time, once in 4 years when 32 teams from around the world collide for that one trophy and compete for the title of the World Champions. The stadium jam-packed, the crowd, a cacophony of colors and the players with the dream of picking up the gold. The epitome of success, they thrive to be the best and that one eye for the prize makes the FIFA World Cup, the Mecca of footballers. Continue reading

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