Wednesday, June 6, 2018

New Australian Law Demands Apple and Other Tech Companies Provide Law Enforcement Agencies Access to Encrypted Data, and more for 06/06/2018

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Top Stories on iPhoneHacks:

New Australian Law Demands Apple and Other Tech Companies Provide Law Enforcement Agencies Access to Encrypted Data

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 06, 2018 10:31 am
Australia is working on a new set of laws that will force tech and telecommunications companies to provide law enforcement agencies with access to encrypted data of suspected criminals. The law is expected to be released in a few weeks, but Australian Cyber Security Minister Angus Taylor has been reluctant to discuss how the law and the powers granted to law enforcement agencies under it would work. Continue reading

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Top 50+ iOS 12 Features Hands-on Video

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 06, 2018 09:43 am
The way Apple announced iOS 12 at WWDC 2018, many people might have thought that the OS is light on features and focuses primarily on performance and speed improvements. While the latter is certainly true, there’s are plenty of new features and changes in iOS 12 as well. Continue reading

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Conan Takes a Dig at Apple's Digital Wellbeing Efforts with iPhone Basic

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 06, 2018 08:59 am
In the latest episode of his late night talk show Conan, the host Conan O’Brien has poked fun at Apple’s steps to counter iPhone addiction among people by envisioning an iPhone Basic which lacks a screen thereby helping one in getting back their life. Continue reading

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iOS 12 Will Help Prevent Accidental Screenshots on iPhone X

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 06, 2018 02:26 am
One of the most common complaints of iPhone X owners is the number of screenshots they end up inadvertently taking throughout the day. It might seem like a small problem initially but when your phone’s gallery is littered with unintended screenshots, it definitely turns into a frustrating experience. Continue reading

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Apple Watch Series 3 with Cellular Launching in the UAE, Mexico, Brazil, and South Korea Next Week

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 06, 2018 01:18 am
Apple is expanding Apple Watch Series 3 Cellular availability to more countries today. The LTE variant of the wearable was available in a selected few markets when it first launched, though Apple has been slowly expanding its availability to more markets. Now, the company is bringing the wearable to the UAE, Mexico, South Korea, and Brazil. Continue reading

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Apple Temporarily Stops Offering watchOS 5 Beta 1 'Due to An Issue that Occurs While Updating'

By Rajesh Pandey on Jun 05, 2018 11:39 pm
Apple has temporarily removed the first beta of watchOS 5 due to an issue which occurs while updating the wearable to the beta OS. As pointed out by many of our readers, they were unable to update their watch to watchOS 5 beta 1 after installing the beta profile and then downloading the OTA update that followed.  Continue reading

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Apple's AirPods Will Gain 'Live Listen' Feature with iOS 12

By Evan Selleck on Jun 05, 2018 05:14 pm
Later this year, Apple is going to launch iOS 12 to the public. And while the company had plenty to show off yesterday during WWDC’s keynote, there are still some elements of the new software still waiting to be discovered. Continue reading

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Apple's New App Store Rules Make Room for Streaming Games from PCs

By Evan Selleck on Jun 05, 2018 03:51 pm
After Valve initially announced its Steam Link app for iOS and Android, there was plenty of excitement over being able to stream a Steam library of computer games to their mobile device. Continue reading

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Apple Maps Transit Info Now Available in North Carolina, Additional Areas in California

By Evan Selleck on Jun 05, 2018 01:52 pm
One of the areas that Apple has been improving in its stock Maps app is transit information, and with so many potential travelers needing to take advantage of the public transit systems in cities across the globe, it’s a must-have feature. Continue reading

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Craig Federighi Discusses iOS Apps Running on Macs in New Interview

By Evan Selleck on Jun 05, 2018 01:19 pm
Before the keynote wrapped up yesterday, Apple’s Craig Federighi answered the question so many people had been asking for years now: Would Apple be merging the macOS and iOS operating systems at some point in the future? Continue reading

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