Friday, May 24, 2019

Build Your Own Amazing Websites With Zero Coding Knowledge on Your Mac [Deals Hub], and more for 05/24/2019

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Top Stories on iPhoneHacks

Build Your Own Amazing Websites With Zero Coding Knowledge on Your Mac [Deals Hub]

By Megan Lopez on May 24, 2019 01:00 pm
Been dreaming of building your own websites, but not sure how to start? Let RapidWeaver 8 help you build websites without knowing a lick of code. The Complete RapidWeaver 8 Bundle gives you not only this handy software but four online courses to help you master it once and for all. This bundle is currently on sale in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub for 90% off the MSRP $500 for just $49.99. Continue reading

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How to Use Snapchat's Baby Filter That Has Gone Viral

By Khamosh Pathak on May 24, 2019 12:19 pm
In just a couple of weeks, Snapchat managed to deliver two viral sensations. Hot on the heels of Snapchat’s Gender Swap filter comes the Baby filter. This is another filter that changes the face of the user to make it look like a two-year-old baby, while still keeping the major features, making the person recognizable. It is genius and damn fun. You can use it on yourself or on other people. Here’s how to get Snapchat baby filter. Continue reading

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iFixit's 2019 MacBook Pro Teardown Reveals Minor Changes to Butterfly Keyboard Material

By Rajesh Pandey on May 24, 2019 12:10 pm
Earlier this week, Apple announced a surprised 2019 MacBook Pro refresh with the focus primarily being on faster 6-core and 8-core Intel processors. There was another smaller change that Apple did not even talk about in its press release — a more reliable butterfly keyboard. Continue reading

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Upcoming 16-inch MacBook Pro could feature Samsung-made OLED display

By Dennis D. Bednarz on May 24, 2019 11:18 am
Remember that 16-inch MacBook we talked about? It seems like Samsung may be the manufacturer to actually supply the OLED displays. Continue reading

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Huawei CEO's Family Seems to Prefer Apple Products over Their Own

By Dennis D. Bednarz on May 24, 2019 11:08 am
Here goes the Twitter Police MKBHD again. Except for this time, it isn’t a celebrity being caught with an iPhone, but Huawei’s own CEO admitting that their family not only buy each other Apple products as gifts but also prefer using them. Continue reading

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2020 iPhones May Have Fullscreen Touch ID, iPhone SE 2 Also a Possibility

By Dennis D. Bednarz on May 24, 2019 10:45 am
There has been a lot of hype surrounding the upcoming iPhone XI, 11 or whatever it will be called. But let’s take a step further. The 2020 iPhone’s are rumoured to showcase changes to Apple’s strict philosophy. Continue reading

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Snapchat Employees Used Internal Tools to Spy on Users

By Rajesh Pandey on May 24, 2019 12:34 am
A detailed Motherboard report highlights how Snapchat employees have been using internal tools to access user data and spy on them. The report is based on the account of two former Snap employees, a current employee, and internal company emails. Continue reading

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Apple Stops Signing iOS 12.2, Downgrading from iOS 12.3 No Longer Possible

By Rajesh Pandey on May 23, 2019 11:00 pm
After the release of iOS 12.3 in the last week of April, Apple has now stopped signing iOS 12.2. This means if you have already upgraded to iOS 12.3, you won’t be able to downgrade back to iOS 12.2. Continue reading

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Vignette Updates Your iPhone Contact Photos Using Social Media

By Khamosh Pathak on May 23, 2019 10:53 pm
Vignette is a new single-purpose utility that solves a small, yet frustrating problem. If you’re like me, you don’t like seeing the gray circles when you’re calling someone or messaging a friend on iMessage. I usually add contact pictures manually. While that’s easy to do for your favorite contacts, it becomes a hassle for your whole contact book. Vignette fixes this problem by searching for photos from social media and linking them to your contacts. Continue reading

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