Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Apple granted patent for iWatch-enabled weightlifting tracker, and more for 06/10/2014

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Apple granted patent for iWatch-enabled weightlifting tracker

By Joe Rossignol on Jun 10, 2014 09:15 am
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Tuesday granted Apple with a patent for a sensor-laden device that attaches to a weightlifting bar for counting and displaying repetitions. The body bar sensing system may include a standalone display for showing the repetition count, providing more evidence that Apple is working on the oft-rumored iWatch set to unveil later this year. Continue reading

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Apple posts 'The New Look of OS X Yosemite' video

By Gautam on Jun 10, 2014 07:49 am
Apple previewed OS X Yosemite at WWDC last week and released the first beta for developers and beta testers. Apple has published the “The New Look of OS X Yosemite” video, which was shown at the WWDC Keynote to give a closer look at the design changes in OS X Yosemite. Continue reading

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iOS 8 reveals Apple working on Maps feature to find your parked car

By Gautam on Jun 10, 2014 07:12 am
Developers continue to discover interesting hidden features in iOS 8. 9to5Mac reports that new icons discovered in iOS 8 beta reveals that Apple is working on a feature that will allow users to find their parked cars using the Maps app. Continue reading

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LockScreen Invert splits your lockscreen into two informative sections [Jailbreak Tweak]

By Stephen Hall on Jun 09, 2014 08:45 pm
A new tweak by the name of Lockscreen Invert is now available courtesy of developer team A Pint of Milk, and it does a great job of giving you a glanceable and simple visual of your phone status — in the form of a unique and well-designed split graphic. The tweak comes as a Cydget extension, but that doesn’t make it any less useful. Continue reading

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Apple rejecting apps with in-app reward systems for social sharing, watching videos

By Julie Drummond on Jun 09, 2014 08:24 pm
According to reports in TechCrunch and MacRumors, Apple has been rejecting apps that include in-game reward systems for watching advertisements that promote other apps and social sharing. This prohibition is affecting both existing apps and ones that new to the App Store. Continue reading

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Facebook accidentally rolls out, then removes Snapchat competitor Slingshot

By Julie Drummond on Jun 09, 2014 05:17 pm
Facebook has a renewed focus on mobile apps with the company recently introducing a new Facebook Paper app, improving its dedicated Facebook Messenger app and now leaking a new photo video sharing app called Slingshot that debuted internationally and was immediately removed, reports TechCrunch. Continue reading

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App Deals: Download Lume, Scanner+ Pro and more for free

By Jason on Jun 09, 2014 05:06 pm
We have some great apps for you today that have gone free for a short duration on the App Store, including Lume, TeeVee, Scanner+ Pro and more. Continue reading

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iOS 8 code includes references to split-screen iPad multitasking with multiple options

By Jason on Jun 09, 2014 04:39 pm
Split-screen multitasking on the iPad was rumored to be a part of Apple’s iOS 8 release, but the feature has been pushed back. Code references in the first beta, indeed, suggest that Apple is working on this feature, and also reveal some details about how split-screen multitasking would work. Continue reading

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Father's Day Deals: Save $50 on iPad Air and Retina iPad mini at h.h. greg

By Jason on Jun 09, 2014 03:37 pm
Electronics retailer h.h. greg is offering limited time Fathers’ Day discount on all iPad models, including the latest iPad Air and Retina iPad mini. If you’re looking to buy an iPad, make sure you check out these deals to save up to $50. Continue reading

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New lockscreen bypass discovered in iOS 7, grants access in less than 5 seconds [Video]

By Stephen Hall on Jun 09, 2014 03:28 pm
A new security hole has been discovered in the latest version of iOS 7, and it’s quite amazing how simple it is. If you have a password on your iOS device, this video reveals that you’re not truly protected. Anyone who has your device could easily access your information and your apps under certain circumstances, and it’s very easy to do. Continue reading

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