Saturday, November 15, 2014

Apple Pay sees strong consumer interest at several retailers; but still years aways from being mainstream, and more for 11/15/2014

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Apple Pay sees strong consumer interest at several retailers; but still years aways from being mainstream

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 14, 2014 11:46 pm
Apple released iOS 8.1 towards the middle of October, which also enabled Apple Pay on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The company then went on to activate more than a million cards on the service within the first 72 hours signifying huge consumer interest in mobile payment services but not much information is available about its popularity. Continue reading

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Apple, Facebook, Google and other groups working to halt spying on users by the NSA

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2014 05:34 pm
At the end of 2013, a great deal of attention was put on the National Security Agency (NSA), and its efforts in acquiring a broad scope of information. Many companies were forced to come forward and outline how they did not work with the agency to collect sensitive data from its customers. Now, Apple and other companies are trying to make sure the NSA’s efforts are even more limited. Continue reading

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AT&T has stopped using 'perma-cookies' to track web activity

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2014 04:00 pm
At the tail-end of October, it was revealed that both AT&T and Verizon Wireless had been using unique identifying numbers to track customer web traffic, using “perma-cookies,” to ascertain other websites that were visited on their cellular devices. Continue reading

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Download the best apps and games for free for a limited time (Nov 14)

By Jason on Nov 14, 2014 03:23 pm
We have some great apps for you today that have gone free for a short duration on the App Store, including On the Line, Monster Dash, Walking Dead and more. Continue reading

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Grocery stores Winn-Dixie and BI-LO have begun accepting Apple Pay

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2014 02:37 pm
While some stores might not be all that accepting of Apple Pay, the list of supporting sites will continue to grow. Now, a pair of grocery store chains can be added to the mix. Continue reading

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iPhone 7 concepts feature bezel-less design and full-screen display

By Jason on Nov 14, 2014 02:21 pm
Apple launched the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus a couple of months back with an all-new design, curved edges, and more. Popular designer Martin Hajek created concept mockups of how Apple could evolve the iPhone 6’s design for the next-generation iPhone 7. Continue reading

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Verizon alters its ETF policy, reductions now don't start until the 8th month

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2014 12:48 pm
Early Termination Fees (ETFs) are a thing that subscribers to mobile networks have to deal with, one way or another, and for anyone looking to sign up with Verizon in the near future, a big change might be worth considering. Continue reading

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iPhone 6 reportedly outselling the iPhone 6 Plus 3-to-1 in the U.S. according to new report

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2014 11:26 am
While the smartphone market adopted larger-screened handsets at a rapid pace, Apple was slow to adopt the bigger phone model. Now that it has, though, it would seem a lot of buyers in the U.S. have been waiting for the 4.7-inch model. Continue reading

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Microsoft launches Skype for Web beta

By Evan Selleck on Nov 14, 2014 11:11 am
Microsoft’s focus will always be Windows and Windows-branded things, like Windows Phone, but the company also has plenty of assets that can find a good home on other platforms across the board. Like Skype. Continue reading

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