Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Keep a Wallet Sized HyperCharging Power Bank in Your Pocket with LithiumCard [Deals Hub], and more for 11/18/2014

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Keep a Wallet Sized HyperCharging Power Bank in Your Pocket with LithiumCard [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on Nov 18, 2014 09:15 am
If you dumped out your pockets, picked up your wallet, and looked in it right now, what would be in there? Is there a slot open where you could fit a few credit cards? Perfect. Now, do you have a couple bucks that you can spend? Even better. That’s all you’ll need to score the ultra portable LithiumCard, the easiest way to charge your iPhone or any Lightning compatible device while on the go. It’s on sale now in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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OS X Yosemite users still reporting Wi-Fi issues after updating to 10.10.1

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 18, 2014 08:31 am
Along with the release of iOS 8.1.1, Apple today also pushed OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 to the public. Among other improvements, the changelog mentioned improved Wi-Fi reliability, which should have hopefully fixed the Wi-Fi connection issues that many OS X users started reporting after upgrading to Yosemite.  Continue reading

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iPhone 6 with MLC based NAND consistently outperforms the one with TLC based NAND

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 18, 2014 08:01 am
It is rumored that the random restart issue plaguing some 64GB and 128GB owners of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are because of the TLC NAND flash chips used by Apple. The company is expected to switch back to MLC based chips to alleviate this issue. Continue reading

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How to downgrade from iOS 8.1.1 to iOS 8.1

By Gautam Prabhu on Nov 18, 2014 12:07 am
If you had accidentally upgraded your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to iOS 8.1.1 and want to downgrade back to iOS 8.1, then the good news is that you can downgrade as Apple seems to be still signing the iOS 8.1 firmware file. However, you will need to hurry up as Apple could stop signing any moment. Continue reading

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Chinese authorities arrest suspects behind WireLurker, shut down distribution site

By Evan Selleck on Nov 17, 2014 07:58 pm
WireLurker, the malicious software that targeted iOS users in China and made waves in early November, has reportedly hit a massive wall as authorities nabbed those responsible for it. Continue reading

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Apple has the ecobee3 Smart Wi-Fi thermostat in its online store

By Evan Selleck on Nov 17, 2014 06:04 pm
Devices in our homes are getting smarter, including thermostats. Recently, Apple added to its long list of devices within the Connected Home section within the Online Store. Continue reading

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Accessory makers can now submit HomeKit product plans to Apple

By Evan Selleck on Nov 17, 2014 05:06 pm
For accessory makers, one final step has been finalized by Apple. This officially puts HomeKit accessory makers one step to releasing their products to the public. Continue reading

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Apple fixes 3 security flaws used by Pangu jailbreak in iOS 8.1.1; credits Pangu Team

By Jason on Nov 17, 2014 04:27 pm
Apple today released iOS 8.1.1 with bug fixes and performance improvements. The release also comes with a number of security fixes, including patching exploits used by the Pangu Jailbreak. Continue reading

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Snapchat announces Snapcash, a new way to send money to friends

By Evan Selleck on Nov 17, 2014 04:26 pm
In the middle of July, the ephemeral messaging service known as Snapchat added some geofilters to add to the photo filters. Now they’re adding a whole new way to send money. Continue reading

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Sony unveils a 21-megapixel image sensor that cuts down on size but improves image quality

By Evan Selleck on Nov 17, 2014 04:09 pm
One of Apple’s suppliers, Sony, a household name all on its own, has recently unveiled a brand new image sensor that packs in the megapixels, cuts down on size and also manages to improve overall image quality. Continue reading

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