Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Apple redesigns its online store and sends out email with potential gift ideas for Black Friday, and more for 11/19/2014

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Apple redesigns its online store and sends out email with potential gift ideas for Black Friday

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 19, 2014 09:19 am
With just over a week left for Black Friday, Apple has redesigned its online store and sent out emails to its customers highlightings its various products as a potential gift and what their loved ones can accomplish with it.  Continue reading

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Stay Warm and Connected This Winter With Touch-Screen Gloves and a Bluetooth Beanie [Deals Hub]

By StackSocial on Nov 19, 2014 09:15 am
It always feels like winter sneaks up on us and we’re never quite prepared enough for it. But that doesn’t have to be the case this year. Beat the cold before it gets to you by heading into the season fully equipped to stay warm and connected. Grab the Touch-Screen Gloves and Bluetooth Beanie on sale today in the iPhone Hacks Deals Hub. Continue reading

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Adobe Lightroom 5.7 comes with a built-in Aperture and iPhoto importer tool

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 19, 2014 07:33 am
Adobe today updated its Lightroom image processing app for Mac to v5.7 with a new importer tool for easily importing your data from iPhoto and Aperture. The importer tool was first offered by the company as a separate plug-in to users last month.  Continue reading

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Chrome 39 brings 64-bit support for Mac

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 18, 2014 11:56 pm
The Chrome team over at Google today announced the release of Chrome 39 for Mac, Windows and Android. This is the first stable build of Chrome for Mac to be released to the public with 64-bit support. Continue reading

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Apple to repurpose sapphire plant in Mesa, Arizona to preserve jobs

By Rajesh Pandey on Nov 18, 2014 10:11 pm
According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple is still committed to bringing jobs and manufacturing in Mesa, Arizona, even though its deal with GT Advanced Technologies fell through and the latter filed for bankruptcy.  Continue reading

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Apple could introduce the 'biggest camera jump ever' in the next-generation iPhone

By Evan Selleck on Nov 18, 2014 04:26 pm
The camera has become one of the most important aspects to a smartphone these days, and one of the companies leading that charge is Apple. Continue reading

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PayPal has released its mobile payments app for the Pebble smartwatch

By Evan Selleck on Nov 18, 2014 04:02 pm
PayPal is not a stranger to mobile payments, as the name has been accepted as an option in some retailers for quite some time, but a new announcement may make many iPhone owners pretty happy. Continue reading

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WatchKit reveals two Apple Watch Screen Resolutions: 312 x 390 and 272 x 340

By Jason on Nov 18, 2014 03:23 pm
Apple today released WatchKit to developers, letting them develop apps for the Apple Watch. The developer kit gives us a lot of new information about the Apple Watch that the company didn’t share when the device was previewed. Continue reading

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7 Tips for Jailbreakers post iOS 8.1.1 release

By Jason on Nov 18, 2014 02:16 pm
Apple released iOS 8.1.1 yesterday, which includes bug fixes, increased stability and performance improvements for iPad 2 and iPhone 4s. Continue reading

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Apple has released WatchKit to prepare apps for the Apple Watch

By Evan Selleck on Nov 18, 2014 01:47 pm
While the Apple Watch is expected to launch within the first part of 2015, developers need time to get apps ready for the smart wearable. Continue reading

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